Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Look what I can do!

Last weekend Ryan and I had to lower Natalie's crib because we were worried she would be able to crawl and pull her self up on the side. I put her in her crib for a few minutes today to get something done and
I walked into get her and this is what I found. She thought she was so cool, she was laughing and trying
to jump. She is getting too big. Thanks goodness for the snow day today so I could stay home
and and play all day!

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Katie said...

She is so stinkin' cute! Look at that big, adorable grin! She knows she's doing something special. I love the tooth picture, too. How did she get so big so fast?

the cunningham family said...

I remember those days too! SHe is getting so big, and one day before you know it...she will be climbing out of the crib! Time flies, doesn't it?? She is adorable with her little tooth too!