Monday, January 18, 2010

Ketchup discovery

Natalie discovered ketchup today. I tried to teacher her how to dip her fries. She just likes to dip and lick. How do you teach an almost 2 year old to bite the fries. I also need to discuss double dipping :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

ABC's ??

Here is Natalie's version of the ABC's. I have been working very hard to get this on video. Usually every time I get the video camera out she just wants to see the pictures on it. It is very hard to get her to preform. This video is from my camera, that's why it is a little dark. I think this is the best age. She goes around singing all the time. I love it!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bubble Fun!

I thought this was a cute picture. Last weekend we played with bubbles. Natalie loves bubbles! There is even a Yo Gabba Gabba episode about bubble and how they want to be popped. She loved chasing the bubbles all round.
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Go Redbirds!

Saturday we went to an ISU basketball game. We took Natalie to one game last year. She had a lot of fun. Ryan's grandma gave us a ticket and we were able to buy another seat right in front of his parents and grandma. Natalie really liked Reggie, but didn't want to get too close. We ate popcorn and had fun clapping for the Redbirds. However they did lose :(
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