Thursday, March 26, 2009

Watch me eat!

Here is a video I thought was cute of Natalie eating. She sticks her tongue out really far to help you put the food in. It is so cute, but I am not sure how much longer she is going to let us feed her. I wanted to make sure I got the tongue action on video before she wants to feed herself.

We bought a house!

Here is a picture of our new house, or the hole where our house will be. I have also posted a picture of what the outside of our house will look like. Of course we will be picking a different siding color, but you can get an idea of what it will look like.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

House For Sale

If you didn't know Ryan and I are trying to sell our house. Here are a few pictures. If you know anyone looking for a house send them our way! Here's the link;
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Monday, March 23, 2009


Natalie has been talking a ton lately. I love listening to her babble. She really thinks she is having a serious conversation.

Playing and Talking

1st birthday present

Ryan and I took Natalie to Toys r Us yesterday to look for on of the tubes you can crawl though. We wanted to get Natalie one for her birthday. We found a of course pink one that came with a princess castle. We couldn't wait for her birthday so we started playing with it last night. She loves it!
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After a long week of very little sleep I took Natalie to the doctor Saturday morning. She had a double ear infection. I had no idea, I felt like such a bad mom. I though she was just teething. I had been wondering what was wrong when a week ago she could take a few steps then all of a sudden she would fall over right when you stood her up. Well anyway she is feeling much better now and we practiced walking last night and she did great! I know she will be walking around very soon.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This picture says it all..

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Bathing Beauty

Here is the cute new swim suit my mom got for Natalie. Isn't she the cutest? I can't wait until we can go swimming this summer.
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