Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dance Video

I couldn't figure out how to edit this video, so it is kind of long. The good part is at the beginning. Natalie was really putting on a show! She loves her Gabba!

Scott Family Christmas

Here are a few pictures from our together at Ryan's parents and going to the nursing home and celebrating Christmas. We had a lot of fun! There will be more pictures to come. I can't wait to post the picture from Ryan's grandma Peterson's house. You won't believe how many people we fit in that picture. :)
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Friday, December 25, 2009

Favorite Things

Juliana got some special crayons that can write on windows. Juli and Natalie tried them out Christmas morning. I hope they wash off :) The had a lot of fun, lets hope Natalie doesn't think you can write on the windows with all markers or crayons.

Natalie got a kitchen from Santa. She loved cooking! Come by and she will make you some wonderful treats.

Natalie's second favorite present was from Corinne. She got all 5 Yo Gabba Gabba figurines. She wants to take them everywhere. She talks to them and sings songs with them. She even wakes up from her nap talking about them.
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Bernardi Family Christmas

I was very excited this year it worked out that we could go to my aunt Fran's for Christmas dinner. We had a wonderful time seeing all my cousins.

Some of Natalie's cousins on the Bernardi side. Luke, Max, Natalie, Juliana, Gianni, and Dominic.
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Christmas with Holden and Corinne

Sorry I didn't take many pictures but here is my favorite of the ones I took. We had a great time with Kara, Corinne, Katie and Holden. Katie gave Corinne and Natalie matching hats. Aren't they cute. I wish Natalie would stop moving long enough to get a good picture. What a mess we made!
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Pumpkin Patch rewind

I have been a very bad blogger and never posted our pumpkin patch pictures. We had a lot of fun at Radder Farm. There were tons of pumpkins and some fun sand boxes filled with corn and beans. We also saw some animals and shared a yummy pumpkin doughnut.
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Topless Tutu

Natalie loves wearing her pretty skirts. She has a bunch of dress-up clothes, but she always wants to wear this skirt. The other night she put it on before her bath. At one point she pulled it up under her arms. Ryan said it looked like baby lingerie. I didn't get a picture of that. You have to be very fast to catch her.
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