Monday, July 20, 2009

2 more pictures

I had to post 2 more pictures. I love this picture with Natalie and her grandpa, who she calls Papa.

Here is Natalie's cute dress. She loved wearing this dress. When we first put it on her she held up the sides and said "Pretty Pretty" Don't I have the cutest baby ever.
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Katie said...

YES, you do!!! Besides mine, of course. And Corinne. :) That dress is gorgeous. I can just hear her saying, "Pretteeeeeee!"

Steph said...

Love the dress!! SOOO cute! Ava is looking forward to playing with Natalie this year. :)

the cunningham family said...

I love her dress! My friend Erin has the same one for Caroline for next year because she loved it so much. She is getting so big and I love when they start saying new words. and doesn't stop...haha!